City Neighbors Charter School is managed by City Neighbors Foundation, Inc., a certified 501(c) non profit organization. All business affairs of the school are managed under the board of directors.
The Board of Directors is made up of parents, students, teachers, administrators. All families at CNCS are members of the corporation. We meet on the fourth Thursday of each month at 6 pm. All our welcome. Everyone has a say at CNCS please use your power and get involved!
Governance Model
Board Members
Charmaine Turner | Board President
Aneka Winstead | Vice President
Charletta McLean | Secretary
Brigette Cottman | Principal
Chelsie Adsit | Welcoming
Vacant | Student Enrichment
April Pickett | Member At Large
Elizabeth Sokoloff | Parent Co Op 1
Renee Bieretz | Parent Co Op 2
Kristina Green | Director of Finance & Development
Vacant | Student Rep