The City Neighbors Way
What is the City Neighbors Way?
“The City Neighbors Way” is a series of values to which we all aspire. While no individual or community lives into its ideal all of the time, this set of articulated values provides us with a reference for working with the students and together as a community.
Performance Values &
Social Values
When I work in a group, team, or partnership, I work with and learn from others.
Work Ethic
When I am working on a task that is hard, I first try my best and then ask for help.
I come to class on time and ready to work.
Sharing Spaces
I respect shared spaces. I am quiet and calm in the hallways.
I do not disrupt the learning of others. I leave my environment clean and orderly.
I keep working until a task is done well, even if it takes several tries.
Honest Reflection
I strive to know my strengths and weaknesses.
I look back to see how I was successful and how I could do better.
I respect that everyone has the right to feel safe in their personal space. I keep my hands and feet to myself, and I take or use only what belongs to me.
Compassion & Care
When someone wants or needs help,
I help them.
Resolving Conflict
When I get mad or frustrated I manage my anger and then solve the problem calmly, using only appropriate language and tone.
I am open to trying new things and exploring new ideas.
Embracing Diversity
I know that we are different in many ways. I do my part to create a community that welcomes and values all people.
Showing Respect
I speak and act appropriately and respectfully toward adults, peers and those younger and older than me.
Taking Responsibility
I can’t control the words or actions of others, but I can control my own. I am responsible for the choices I make.